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(858) 451-3060


Eyelid Surgery ( Blepharoplasty)


Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty creates an open, larger, brighter appearing eye. By removing excess loose skin and fatty tissue the eye appears larger, less tired, more open and brighter. The fatty tissue produces the baggy appearance of the upper or lower lid.
In women, excess loose skin prevents optimal use of makeup and obscures the normal contours of the eyelid. In both women and men, loose, sagging, bulging tissues make the eye appear smaller and more tired or stressed.
The goal of eyelid surgery is to produce a significant improvement in eyelid appearance with the utmost safety.
If you have any type of eye disease or symptoms, these must be carefully investigated and considered in planning your blepharoplasty surgery. After examining you, Dr. Gold may request a consultation from an ophthalmologist if he feels that your safety would benefit.


There are limits to the amount of tissue, which can or should be removed from the eyelid. Excessive removal of fat can produce a hollow, unnatural appearance. Excessive removal of skin can cause deformities or prevent proper eye closure. The key to the best result is precise planning of the procedure based on careful measurements of your eyelids.
Eyelid surgery cannot remove every wrinkle from the eyelid area. Differences, which exist in the eyelids, may be improved after surgery, but slight differences will always be present.


Risks of injury to the eye, infection or bleeding are extremely small, but do exist and must be considered.
Other risks common to all surgical procedures such as scar tissue formation occur in a very small percentage of cases. We encourage you to discuss any, which concern you during your consultation.
If deformities exist in areas of the face besides the eyelids, additional procedures may be necessary in those areas for optimal facial appearance.

About The Operation

It is critically important that decisions regarding amounts of removal be made with you upright immediately prior to surgery, since the degree of deformities changes drastically when you lie down. For the most accurate correction, your eyelids must be measured and marked with you sitting before going to the operating room.
Incisions for eyelid surgery are placed deep in the fold of the upper eyelid and immediately beneath the lashes in the lower eyelid to make them inconspicuous. If only fat removal is necessary in the lower eyelid, the incision can sometimes be located on the inside of the lid.
During the procedure, excess skin is removed from the upper and lower eyelids to improve lid contours. If excess fatty tissue is producing bulges or bags, only the excess is carefully removed to produce a natural lid appearance.
After carefully rechecking the lid, the incisions are closed with tiny sutures or stitches.


You will have very little pain following your eyelid surgery. You’ll have some swelling for the first two or three days after surgery, but it decreases rapidly by the third day. When we remove your sutures on the fourth or fifth day after surgery, you can immediately apply makeup to the lids to hide any residual traces of bruising. You can usually return to your normal activities in a week or less.

The Stages Of Recovery

Our patients usually want to know about four stages of recovery: hospitalization time, when swelling or bruising is resolved, when they’ll be able to return to work or social activity, and when they can return to full aerobic or strenuous exercise.

For eyelid procedures, the average:

Hospitalization time: Eyelid surgery is performed as an in office procedure.
Dr. Gold has a fully accredited surgical suite in his office for your convenience. No hospitalization is required.
Bruising and swelling resolve: 5-10 days.
Return to work, social activity: 7-14 days or less.
Aerobic or strenuous activity: 14-21 days.

We encourage returning to full normal activity immediately. Don’t do any type of strenuous exercise that would push your pulse over 100 for about two to three weeks. Any aerobic activity that increases your pulse over 100 also increases your blood pressure, and could make you bleed and therefore bruise.

Call Maureen For a Free Cosmetic Consultation
(858) 451-3060


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